Sharif Mohammed Bushnaq

Dual force magnitudes on implant supported canine retraction / تأثير مقدار قوتين على معدل سحب الناب المدعوم بغرس مجهرى Sharif Mohammed Bushnaq ; Supervised Amr Abdelrehim Hussein Labib , Dalia Elboghdady - Cairo : Sharif Mohammed Bushnaq , 2013 - 100 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Orthodontics

The aim of this clinical study was to compare the use of two different force magnitudes (100 gm and 200 gm) with indirect mini-screw implant anchorage, and evaluating the rate of canine movement, amount of molar anchorage loss, canine disto-buccal rotation and canine mesio-distal tipping. Results: The amount of initial tooth movement (T0-T1) was not related to force magnitude. However, during (T1-T2) and (T2-T3) periods, significant increase in the amount and rate of tooth movement were found with 200 gm group than 100 gm group. Canine rotation, tipping and anchorage loss were significantly higher in 200 gm group than 100 gm group. Conclusion: Canine retraction proceeds at a faster rate in 200 gm group. Indirect mini-screw anchorage was not effective in preventing anchorage loss in both groups.

Force magnitude Mini- screw Rate of canine retraction