Fusion gene transcript levels at diagnosis and their kinetics in response to therapy as prognostic indicators in acute lymphoblastic leukemia : Part of conjoint project with St. Jude Children Cancer Research Hospital /
مستوى تعبير الجين المدمج عند التشخيص وآليات استجابتها للعلاج كمؤشرات للجمود فى سرطان الدم الليمفاوى ب- الاولى الحاد : جزء من مشروع مشترك مع مستشفى سانت جود لسرطان الاطفال
Eman Omar Rasekh ; Supervised Azza Mahmoud Kamel , Alaa Mohamed Elhadad , Heba Sayed Moussa
- Cairo : Eman Omar Rasekh , 2015
- 152 Leaves : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department of Clinical Pathology
Aim of work: In this study we aim to evaluate the level of fusion gene as well as log reduction in their level at 2 weeks after starting induction chemotherapy. Patients with chromosomsal translocations will be tested for: Transcription level at diagnosis as well as for the kinetics of transcription reduction during therapy. The findings will be correlated to the achievement of complete remission, occurrence of relapse and survival data. The final aim is to verify if the transcript level at diagnosis has an impact on outcome. Also to verify if we can detect at an early point of time, namely day 14, the response to therapy