Sahar Mohamed Abdelhaleim Abdelmoneim

Monetary-fiscal policy interaction in Egypt : A Vector autoregression analysis / العلاقة التفاعلية بين السياستين المالية والنقدية في مصر : تحليل نموذج الانحدار الذاتي Sahar Mohamed Abdelhaleim Abdelmoneim ; Supervised Lobna Mohamed AbdelLatif , Mohamed Hassan Diab - Cairo : Sahar Mohamed Abdelhaleim Abdelmoneim , 2014 - 245 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences - Department of Economics

The primary objective of monetary and fiscal policies is to achieve sustainable economic growth while maintainig price stability. according to the classical theory of tinbergen and theil. the attainment of two policy goals requires more than than one policy instrument. depending on either monetary or fiscal policy is insufficient to attain the targeted combination of economic growth and inflation. this has led to the emergence of a new policy environment under which the sole dependence on either fiscal or monetary policy is inadequate to achieve a proper combination of sustainable economic growth and stable prices

Coordination between Monetary and Fiscal policy Fiscal dominance The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level (FTPL)