Effect of platelet-derived microparticles on procoagulable state in egyptian thalassemic patients /
تأثير الجزيئات الدقيقة الناتجة من الصفائح الدموية على قابلية التجلط في مرضى أنيما البحر المتوسط المصريين
Mohamed Abdel Mohsen Abdel Latif Ibraheem ; Supervised Ilham Youssry Ibrahim , Mona Kamal Elghamrawy , Rania Mohamed Samy
- Cairo : Mohamed Abdelmohsen Abdellatif Ibraheem , 2015
- 166 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Subjects and methods We measured platelet microparticles (MPs) in 87 thalassemia patients (39 Ý-TM, 48 Ý-TI) of any age and assessed their relation to clinicopathological characteristics. Patients were studied stressing on transfusion history, splenectomy, thrombotic events, chelation therapy, hematological and coagulation profiles, flow cytometric measurement of annexin labelled and platelet derived MPs (CD41b(+)). ResultsThalassemic patients, who experienced TEE, had significantly higher platelet count, higher annexin labelled and CD 41 labelled microparticles (p-value = 0.014, 0.003, and 0.014, respectively). Among TI and TM patients, platelet count, and CD 41 positive MPs were higher in those with TEE, but did not reach the significant values. On multiple regression analysis, older age, splenectomy, total bilirubin, CD41 and annexin labelled MPs were assessed with higher risk for TEE among thalassemia patients.Conclusion The presence of significantly higher levels of platelet-derived microparticles among thalassemia patients who experienced TEE may be an evidence of enhanced platelet activation among these patients. Platelet activation may contribute to the observed hypercoagulable state. Further studies are required to extend and confirm the pathogenesis of the observed hypercoagulable state in both TM and TI