The value of routine preoperative hemoglobin testing in pediatrics undergoing surgery at tertiary care Ssetting in Egypt : Observational Cross Sectional Study /
قيمه الأختبار الروتينى للهيموجلوبين قبل الجراحه للأطفال بمركز رعايه ثالثيه - مستشفى ابوالريش الجامعى
Rabab Mohamed Sabry Yassin ; Supervised Amel Hanafy Aboelela , Neveen Mahmoud Gouda , Engy Wagdy Megally
- Cairo : Rabab Mohamed Sabry Yassin , 2015
- 62 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anesthesia
IN This study that a policy of 2routine3 blood testing before surgery in Cairo University Paediatric Specialized Hospital for children is not recommended for patients undergoing minor surgeries. Intermediate surgical procedures and major surgeries detect a considerable proportion of anaemic paediatrics, we suggest routine blood testing before surgeries to protect against intaoperative and postoperative blood transfusion. designed to investigate whether a routine preoperative full blood count is of value or not in the context of high prevalence of anemia in Egypt.The study was conducted on two hundred patients with age ranged from 1 month to 12 years in Cairo University specialized pediatric hospital, which revealed that there was no significant differences between anaemia and different age groups, gender and type of surgery