Structural synthesis of eastern part of Beni Suef Basin northeast Nile valley, Egypt /
المزيج البنائى لمنطقة شرق حوض بنى سويف: شمال شرق وادى النيل: مصر
Eman Hassan Salem ; Supervised Adel A. Sehim , Adel R. Moustafa
- Cairo : Eman Hassan Salem , 2015
- 148 P. : facsimiles , maps ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geology
The structural architecture of East Beni Suef Basin (EBSB) was studied using 3D seismic data and seven wells. The sedimentary fill of the basin is made up of Lower Cretaceous Kharita Formation, Upper Cretaceous Bahariya, Abu Roash, and Khoman Formations, Paleocene-Middle Eocene Apollonia Formation, Upper Eocene Maadi Formation and Post- Eocene sediments. Normal faults are the dominant structures in the basin. Three sets of faults were mapped; ENE-WSW fault set, NW-SE fault set, and NNW-SSE fault set. The EBSB was subjected to three main tectonic phases; The oldest (Early Cretaceous) tectonic phase was associated with the main extension and subsidence along the EBSB. The second phase was contemporaneous with the Late Cretaceous Syrian Arc deformation. The third tectonic phase took place during the Early Tertiary and was extensional