Nada Hossam Aldin Ahmed

Yolk sac size and shape, gestational sac diameter & embryonic heart rate as prognostic factors of first trimesteric outcome / حجم وشكل كيس المح : وقطر كيس الحمل ومعدل ضربات القلب الجنينية كعوامل تنبؤية فى ناتج الثلاث شهور الأولى من الحمل Nada Hossam Aldin Ahmed ; Supervised Adel Farouk , Samah Aboul Gheit , Reham Ashraf - Cairo : Nada Hossam Aldin Ahmed , 2015 - 118 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Background: Ultrasonography is a useful method for determining the status of early pregnancy. First-trimester sonography is useful for dating, assessing a number of gestations, establishing location, and even detecting some early malformations. Aim of the work: he aim of this study is to assess the correlation between each of the ultrasound parameters that were assessed in the first trimester (the gestational sac size, yolk sac size & shape and fetal cardiac activity) to early pregnancy loss, the correlation between these ultrasound parameters to each other & the correlation between the patient clinical characteristics and early pregnancy loss. Methods: This was a prospective study of 120 pregnant women during the 1st trimester in Kasr Al Aini from May 2014 to February 2015. Each woman was subjected to TVS at 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy & follow up U/S every 2 weeks till 12 weeks

Gestational sac diameter Yolk sac shape Yolk sac size