Comparative study between caudal and lumbar epidural steroid injection in low back pain and lumbar radiculopathy : Short term follow up /
دراسه مقارنه بين الحقن العجزى و الحقن القطنى فوق الأم الجافيه بالكورتيزون فى حالات ألام اسفل الظهر و اعتلال الجذور القطنيه : متابعه قصيره المدى
Mostafa Ali Doha ; Supervised Talaat Elhadidi , Khaled Shohayeb , Mohammed Abdelraoof
- Cairo : Mostafa Ali Doha , 2015
- 72 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Orthopedic Surgery
If the condition not improved by medical treatment, epidural steroid injection have a role to reduce pain and improve disability by decrease inflammatory process at the nerve root caused by herniated disc. Different types of epidural steroid injection are present according to the rout of needle entry to reach to epidural space. There are three types of ESI which are 1 caudal, 2 lumbar interlaminar and 3 transformaminal. In this study we evaluate and compare the clinical improvement of cases treated by caudal and lumbar interlaminar ESI. Clinical improvement represented by pain reduction and improvement of disability after 4 weeks of ESI which obtained by visual analog scale and oswestry disability index score
Caudal Low back pain Lumbar epidural steroid injection