Role of epidural neostigmine in prevention and management of post - dural puncture headache in women after delivery by caesarean section using spinal anesthesia /
دور حقن عقار النيوستجمين فوق الجافية للوقاية و السيطرة على الصداع الناتج عن بذل التخدير النصفى فى السيدات الخاضعات لقيصرية القطعة السفلى
Hatem Abdellatif Mohamed ; Supervised Maher Fawzy Mahmoud , Mohamed Abdelraouf Abdelkader Nasr , Mohsen Mohamed Wahib
- Cairo : Hatem Abdellatif Mohamed , 2015
- 125 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
Controlling the occurrence of undesirable side effects following spinal anesthesia is very important especially for women undergoing delivery by caesarian section (CS). Post dural puncture headache (PDPH), being one of the most distressing side effects interfering with the life style of the new mother as well as her ability to take care of her baby. Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) is linked to spinal anesthesia as a side effect since Karl August Bier, German surgeon, performed the first spinal anesthesia in 1898. Bier injected cocaine into the subarachnoid space of seven patients, himself and his assistant. Bier, his assistant and four of the subjects all described the symptoms associated with PDPH. Many factors may affect the occurrence of Post dural puncture headache PDPH, with many management options¹ ̕²