Mahitab Hassan Hussein

Effect of low level laser therapy on rotator cuff injuries a systematic review / تأثير المعالجة بالليزر منخفض الشدة فى معالجة كفة مدور مفصل الكتف : مراجعة منهجية Mahitab Hassan Hussein ; Supervised Awatef Mohamed Labib , Ghada Ismael Mohamed - Cairo : Mahitab Hassan Hussein , 2015 - 93 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Basic Science

Objective of this study is systematically reviewed randomized control trail investigated the efficacy of LLLT in treating various symptoms of SAIS . Detailed searching the electronic data base from the year 2000 till now was conducted and only randomized controlled trails (RCT) studying the effect of LLLT on SAIS and where the inclusion criteria are applicable were selected. After exclusion the invalid studies only five trails were included in the review. Assessment of methodological quality of the studies was performed using PEDro scale and the data was extracted from them. According to PEDro scale five trails was of high quality they scored 6 out of 10. Meta - analysis was performed in order to pool together the results of the studies. The effect of LLLT was found statistically significant on the functional assessment scale score, ROM scale score, functional status scale score, visual analogue scale score. LLLT was found to have statistically significant effects on pain, ROM and quality of life. The results might be dependent on the dosage, wavelength or point of application, though further investigations are critically needed to establish stronger evidence based knowledge

Evidence based medicine Randomized controlled trials Systematic review