Power allocation and precoding for device-to-device communications in mas- sive MIMO networks /
توزيع القدرة والتكويد عند المرسل فى حالة الاتصال المباشر بين جهازين فى الشبكات ذات العدد الهائل من الهوائيات
Belal Salama Amin Korany ; Supervised Hebat Allah M. Mourad , Mahmoud H. Ismail , Ahmed S. Ibrahim
- Cairo : Belal Salama Amin Korany , 2015
- 63 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electronics and Communication
In this thesis, we look into the problem of deploying Device-to-device commu- nication (D2D), which is an emerging technology that enhances the performance of a cellular network where two mobile stations to communicate directly without traversing the Base Station (BS), in a single-cell Massive MIMO network. We in- vestigate the problems of designing the BS precoder and allocating power values for the D2D transmitter in a way that will maximize the achievable rates of the D2D pairs while maintaining Quality of Service (QoS) constraints on the communica- tion links of the Cellular User Equipments (CUEs). We propose two algorithms for the power allocation problem; an optimal DC-programming-based solution and another suboptimal, less complex heuristic. We also propose two solutions for the problem of precoder design at the BS, one based on Semi-Denite Programming and the other on gradient ascent algorithms