On the weighted partial maximum satis ability problem /
دراسة بعض حالات مسألة التحقق الجزئي للصيغة البولياوية ذات الوزن الاكبر
Mohamed Hesham Mohamed Emam Elhalaby ; Supervised L. F. Abdelal , Rasha Mohamed Shaheen
- Cairo : Mohamed Hesham Mohamed Emam Elhalaby , 2015
- 195 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Mathematics
This thesis is concerned with the Weighted Partial Maximum Satis- ability problem (WPMax-SAT). Let z = zSzH be a Boolean formula such that zS = and zH = ), . . . , (Cs+h, )}, Ci, (1 i s + h) are clauses and wj, (1 j s + h) (called weights) is either a natural number or . The WPMax-SAT problem for z is nding an assignment that satis es all the hard clauses and maximizes the sum of the weights of the soft clauses. We dis- cuss four aspects of WPMax-SAT. The rst is the computational complexity of the problem from the classical and the parametrized perspectives. Secondly, the two solving techniques of WPMax-SAT: branch and bound and SAT-based methods. Third, our experimental investigation on a number of selected solvers. Finally, the applica- tions of WPMax-SAT in real-life.
Boolean formula Computational complexity Satisfiability