Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad Ali

A stylistic study of morpho-semantic shifts in some selected english translations of the glorious qur'an / دراسة أسلوبية للتحولات الصرفية الدلالية في مجموعة منتقاة من ترجمات معاني القرآن الكريم باللغة الإنجليزية Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad Ali ; Supervised Khaled Tawfiq , Abdelhakim Radi , Gabriel S. Reynolds - Cairo : Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad Ali , 2015 - 292 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Arts- Department of English

This study attempts to analyze some selected morpho-semantic shifts in four English translations of the Qurʼan, namely, Ahmad Zidan and Dina Zidans The Glorious Qurʼan: Text & Translation (1991), Taqi ̂al-Din̂ al-Hilal̂i ̂and Muhammad Muhsin Khan̂s Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the English Language (1996), Muhammad M. Ghâlîs Towards Understanding the Ever-Glorious Qurʼan (2003) and M. S. Abdel-Haleems The Qurʼan: A New Translation (2004). The importance of this study lies in the fact that this shift is one of the most recurrent and rich rhetorical phenomena in the Qurʼan. However, it did not receive a detailed and comprehensive study, especially in the field of translation, as far as I know, to unveil the aesthetic values and the inimitable aspects of the Qurʼanic discourse. Accordingly, it is concerned with surveying the various stylistic approaches to translation and discussing the importance of stylistic dimension a translator should maintain during the process of translation. In so doing, the Qurʼanic verses that abound in this kind of shift are discussed in the light of Schema Theory (Schank & Abelson 1977; Rumelhart 1980; Simpson 2004), a systematic tool by which a translator prioritizes the suitable strategies adopted during the process of translation to give the text an individual flavor

Morpho-semantic shifts Qur'anic rhetoric Translation