Phytochemical and biological study of "bidens pilosa"L. family asteraceae cultivated in Egypt /
دراسة فيتوكيميائية و بيولوجية لنبات الحسيكة العائلة المركبة المنزرع فى مصر
Rania Taha Abdelrahman Mahmoud ; Supervised Ahlam Mahmoud Elfishawy , Kamilia Fouly Taha , Enas Hussien Abdelrahman
- Cairo : Rania Taha Abdelrahman Mahmoud , 2015
- 192 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacognosy
Bidens pilosa L. is a herbal plant belonging to family asteraceae and is widely distributed all over the world especially in Africa and south America. Reviewing the current literature concerning the Egyptian herb nothing was reported except one report had investigated the botanical profile, isolated phytochemicals and evaluated the antimicrobial activity of B. pilosa L. This work was conducted to evaluate the phytochemical content and biological activities of Bidens pilosa, L. herb. Prelimenary phytochemical screening: A) Preliminary phytochemical screening of B. pilosa L. herb showed the presence of steam volatile substances, sterols/and or triterpenes and flavonoids, while tests for saponins, alkaloids, anthraquinones and crystalline sublimates showed negative results. B) Chromatographic investigation of different fractions using TLC proved the presence of sterols and triterpenes in the petroleum ether and chloroform fractions when compared to authentic standards. Ethyl acetate fraction tested against some given phenolic standards and showed positive results to some of them. C) Percentages of successive extractives obtained by light petroleum, ethet, chloroform, alcohol were 2.8, 1.62, 0.62 and 3.4% respectively