Design and implementation of a QZSI for grid connected applications /
تصميم و تنفيذ شبيه مناوب المعاوقة لتطبيقات الربط بالشبكة
Mohamed Ahmed Kamel Ahmed ; Supervised Osama A. Mahgoub , Sherif Ahmed Zaid
- Cairo : Mohamed Ahmed Kamel Ahmed , 2015
- 63 P. : photographs ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electrical Power and Machines
In this thesis a single stage buck boost inverter is modified to replace the traditional converters in grid connected applications. The impedance network coupling the source to the inverter bridge allows boosting the input voltage through utilizing shoot - through states. The conventional PWM inverters' switching methods are also applied to the quasi impedance source Inverter - QZSI; the modulation index and the periods at which shoot - through occurs determine the RMS voltage of the inverter's output. The simulation and experimental results validate the design of the presented QZSI as a single stage inverter providing a satisfactory performance in grid connected applications
Grid tied inverter Impedance source inverter Quasi