Biochemical and pathological studies on important crops in new reclaimed lands /
دراسات بيوكيميائية ومرضية على اهم المحاصيل فى الاراضى المستصلحة حديثا
Hisham AbdElmonem Mohamed ; Supervised Mostafa Mohamed Farag , Khairy AbdElmaksoud Abada , AbdElfatah Elwakiel
- Cairo : Hisham AbdElmonem Mohamed , 2007
- 216P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Biochemistry
This study revealed also that colletorichum dematium is the causal pathogen of soybean anthracnose disease in Egypt.Results indicated that the resistant and moderately susceptible cultivars (Giza - 82 and Clark) contained higher amount of phenols , total sugars , total free amino acids compared with the susceptible cultivar crawford