Ahmed Salman Solyman Salman

Efficacy of pre-extubation intravenous administration of fentanyl on hemodynamic stabilization in adult controlled hypertensive patients receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer before mastectomy operation : A prospective randomized controlled study / فعالية حقن عقار الفنتانيل قبل رفع الانبوبة الحنجرية على التحكم فى ديناميكية الدم فى مرضى استئصال سرطان الثدى الخاضعين للعلاج الكيميائى : دراسة عشوائيه مستقبلية محكمة Ahmed Salman Solyman Salman ; Supervised Amel Aboelela , Sahar Abdelhalim Mohamed , Ashraf Mohammed Abderahem - Cairo : Ahmed Salman Solyman Salman , 2015 - 68 Leaves ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia

In patients with controlled hypertension, received chemotherapy underwent mastectomy operation for breast cancer; fentanyl 1mic / kg i.v. given at the time of closure of anesthesia is a simple, effective, and practical method in blunting cardiovascular responses to tracheal extubation and emergence from anesthesia. further studies are required in patients with CAD and cerebrovascular disease in order to evaluate the advantage, beneficial effects, and safety of fentanyl compared with these factors in other drugs used to attenuate the hemodynamic changes caused by extubation.This does not lead to respiratory depression or prolonged recovery. The use of 2 mic/kg fentanyl at the same time provide much more control of the heart rate than 1mic/kg which maybe beneficial for the patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) but with some delay in the extubation time in comparison to 1mic/kg of fentanyl

Fentanyl Heamodynamics Preextubation