Numerical and experimental investigations of the air flow and temperature distribution in an industrial room with a large heat source /
دراسة عددية و تجريبية لسريان الهواء و توزيع درجات الحرارة فى غرفة صناعية بها مصدر حرارى كبير
Esmail Mohamed Ali Elbialy ; Supervised Essam E.Khalil
- Cairo : Esmail Mohamed Ali Elbialy , 2007
- 156P. : ill ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Mechanical Power Engineering
The present thesis work was concerned primary with the analysis simulation of the air flow and thermal patterns in an industrial transformer room.Numerical simulation of room configuration presents the three phase step down transformer
Air conditioning CFD Electrical power transformers