The effects of different dose levels of peri-neural dexmedetomidine on the pharmacodynamic and side effect profiles of bupivacaine-induced ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block /
دراسة تأثير الجرعات المختلفة من عقار الديكسميتديتوميدين فى التخدير الموضعى للعصب الفخذى فى عمليات مناظير الركبة بمساعدة الموجات الصوتية
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Youssef Ollaek ; Supervised Mohamed Abdulatif Mohamed , Maher Fawzy Mahmoud , Heba Mohamed Nassar
- Cairo : Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Youssef Ollaek , 2015
- 56 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
Rationale and background: Peri-neural administration of alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists includingdexmedetomidine extends the duration of local anesthetic-induced peripheral nerve blocks in the experimental and the clinical settings. Thisstudy was designed to explore and compare the possible effects of different dose levels of peri-neural dexmedetomidine on the clinical and side effect profiles of bupivacaine-induced femoral nerve block in patients undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery under general anesthesia. Patients and methods: This randomized, controlled double blinded study included 60 adult patients undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery. Ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block was initiated 30 min before induction of general anesthesia. Femoral nerve block was achieved with the use of 25 ml of bupivacaine 0.5% in all patients. Bupivacaine was combined with 1 ml normal saline (control group, n=15), 25, 50 or 75 og (1 ml) peri-neural dexmedetomidine groups (n= 15, each). All patients received a standard general anesthetic after ensuring successful femoral nerve block. The onset and duration of sensory and motor blocks, the time to first request to postoperative rescue analgesic, Richmond Agitation-Sedation Score, perioperative hemodynamic data, resting and dynamic visual analogue pain scores, were reported at predetermined time assessment points. Total postoperative rescue intravenous morphine consumption was recorded over 24 hours