Immunological evaluation of heat cured silicone versus hard acrylic resin in maxillary obturators using elisa test for immunoglobulin a in patients having class I maxillary defects armany classification : A Randomized clinical trial /
التقييم الأميونولوجى للسليكونات حرارية الطبخ مقابل راتنج الاكريليك الصلبة فى حالات أصلاح عيوب الفك العلوى المكتسبة باستخدام اختبار ايليزا فى المرضى الذين يعانون من عيوب الصف الأول الفك العلوى تصنيف أرمانى : التجارب السريرية العشوائية
Abdelrahman Mostafa Abdelhakim Mohamed ; Supervised Ashraf Emil Eskandar , Amr Abdallah , Olfat Gameel Shaker
- Cairo : Abdelrahman Mostafa Abdelhakim Mohamed , 2015
- 80 P. : photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Prosthodontics
Immunological evaluation of immunoglobulin a in the oral environment when the hard acrylic resin of the obturator bulb is relined with heat cured silicone in patients having class I maxillary defects Armany classification. This study was conducted to evaluate immunoglobulin a in the oral environment when the hard acrylic resin of the obturator bulb is relined with heat cured silicone 26 patients having unilateral acquired maxillectomy defects were selected to participate in this study Group I: Patients of this group were rehabilitated with heat cured acrylic resin obturator. Group II: Patients of this group were rehabilitated with heat cured silicone bulb obturator zero, two and four weeks evaluation of the obturator was made by measuring the immunoglobulin a in the oral environment using elisa test. Results of this study showed: The silicone lined maxillary obturators showed less colonization than hard acrylic resin obturators. The patients were more satisfied due to ease of insertion and removal as well as greater comfort with obturators lined with heat cured silicone. Conclusion and recommendation: From the results of this study, it can be concluded that within the limitations of this study, both acrylic resin and resilient lining materials could be used as a material for obturator construction in maxillofacial cases