Sarah Mohammed Alghandour

A comparative histological study on the therapeutic effect of green tea and stem cells in rat model of alzheimers disease complicating diabetes / دراسة مقارنة هستولوجية على الأثر العلاجي للشاي الأخضر والخلايا الجذعية فينموذج الجرذ المصاب بمرض الزهايمر كمضاعف للسكري Sarah Mohammed Alghandour ; Supervised Hend Shafik Bassiony , Maha Baligh Zickri , Hala Gabr Metwally - Cairo : Sarah Mohammed Alghandour , 2015 - 217 P. : faecimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Histology

Aim: This study was designed to evaluate and compare the possible therapeutic effect of both green tea extract and human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells on the histological changes complicating induced diabetes mellitus and corresponding to Alzheimers disease in the brain of adult male albino rats. Materials and methods: Forty seven adult male albino rats were divided into five groups namely, Group Ї (Control group), Group II (Green tea extract group), Group III (Diabetic group), Group IV (Diabetic rats administrating green tea extract) and Group V (Diabetic rats injected with human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells).Groups II, III, IV and V were subdivided into subgroups (a) and (b), sacrificed 6 and 8 weeks from the start of the experiment respectively. Frontal lobes of brain specimens were processed for histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, morphometric and statistical studies.Results: Neurodegenerative changes in the form of degenerated neurons, neuronal apoptosis and deposition of amyloid plaqueswere detected in group III.Groups IV and V revealedsigns of amelioration of neuronal degeneration, decrease of neuronal apoptosis and reduction in amyloid plaques deposition which were more evident in group V.A significant increase was recorded in the mean area % of Prussian blue +ve cells in subgroup Vacompared to subgroup Vb, andof CD44 +ve cells in subgroups IVb and Va compared to subgroups IIIa, IIIb, IVa and Vb

Alzheimers disease Diabetes mellitus Streptozotocin