Mona Saied Mohamed

Comparison of split renal function estimated by ⁹⁹ Tc-DTPA renography using a dual-head gamma camera and 99mTc-DMSA renal scintigraphies / المقارنة بين حساب وظيفة الكلى التباينى بالتصوير الديناميكى المزدوج بمادة دى تى بى ايه و مادة دي ام اس ايه المعنونتان بمادة التكنزيوم المشع Mona Saied Mohamed ; Supervised Ahmed Abdelsameea Kandeel , Maha Abdelkareem Elsayed - Cairo : Mona Saied Mohamed , 2016 - 103 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Nuclear Medicine

Split renal function (SRF), is important in patients with unilateral renal disorders, or PUJ obstruction, or other obstructive uropathies. It is traditionally measured by radionuclide renal scintigraphy using different tracers such as Tc-99m DMSA which is actively taken up by the proximal and distal renal tubular cells, or Tc-99m DTPA which is freely filterable at the glomerulus, but it is neither secreted nor reabsorbed by the kidney tubules, it is used to measure total and individual kidney functions, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) for each kidney

⁹⁹ Tc-DMSA 99mTc-DTPA Renal scintigraphies