Pesticide toxicity in pediatric age group : A retrospective study of cases received at national center for clinical & environmental toxicology (NECTR) during 2014 /
التسمم بالمبيدات في الفئة العمرية للأطفال : دراسة استرجاعية للحالات المستقبلة بالمركز القومي للسموم الاكلينيكية والبيئية خلال عام 2014
Amal Salama Mahmoud Mahmoud ; Supervised Said Mohamed Abulnasr , Naglaa Farid Elsayed Mahmoud , Marwa Issak Mohamed Nasr
- Cairo : Amal Salama Mahmoud Mahmoud , 2016
- 161 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Forensic Medicine Toxicology
Children are uniquely vulnerable to uptake and adverse effects of pesticides because of developmental, dietary, and physiologic factors. Exposure occurs through ingestion, inhalation, or dermal contact. The aim of this work is to assess acute pesticide toxicity in pediatric cases under the age of 18 years during the period from January to December 2014 regarding their prevalence, clinical picture, management and outcome.This study is a retrospective study data collected from medical records of patients presented with pesticide toxicity manifestations and were admitted to (NECTR). The results of this study showed that poisoning was more common among females (65.4%) than males (34.6%); the mean age was nearly 11 years old. The most common cause of poisoning was suicidal attempts (52.5%) followed by accidental exposure (45%), the most common presenting symptoms was muscrinic manifestations in (51.4%), In this study (79.6%) were received supportive treatment in the form of gastric lavage and or charcoal or bicarbonate, (52.1%) were received antidote (oximes & atropine), there were (88.6%) recovered, (7.1%) discharged without complete recovery, (2.8%) complicated and referred to the suitable specialty, (1.1%) complicated and died