Ali Heussein Elmesery

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation versus pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of levator ani syndrome / التنبية العصبى الكهربى عبر الجلد مقابل العلاج بالمجال الكهرومغناطيسى المتقطع على متلازمة العضلة الرافعة للشرج Ali Heussein Elmesery ; Supervised Zakria Mowafy Emam Mowafy , Ashraf Ahmed Mohammed Enb - Cairo : Ali Heussein Elmesery , 2016 - 137 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Physical Therapy for Surgery

Purpose: to evaluate the efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation versus pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of levator ani syndrome. Methods of evaluation (Measurement of the visual analouge scale and the norgesic medicament intake). Methods:- 45 patients with proctodynia and levator ani syndrome were divided into three groups. Group (A) received the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) plus the traditional physical therapy. Group (B) received the pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMFT) plus the traditional physical therapy, Group (C) received the only the traditional physical therapy, The TENS and PEMFT were applied once daily, three times per week for 3 months as a total period of treatment. Each session was conducted for 20 minutes over the perineal area between anus and scrotum on the Centrum tendineum with the patient in comfortable supine hook-lying position with abducted hips. Results:- Results showed that application of TENS and PEMFT had a valuable effects on proctodynia and levator ani syndrome as evidenced by the highly significant decreases in visual analouge scale and the norgesic medicament intake. Conclusion: Both TENS and PEMFT had a valuable effects on the treatment of proctodynia and levator ani syndrome as evidenced by the significant decreases in VAS and NMI. But TENS was more fruitful than the PEMFT

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Visual analouge scale