Microshear bond strength of glass-ionomer restoratives to normal and caries-affected dentin /
قوة الربط الميكروقصية لترميمات الزجاج الايونمر لركائز العاج الطبيعى و المتأثر بالتسوس
Doaa Abdelaziz Shokry ; Supervised Enas Hussein Mobarak , Heba Ahmed Abdelwanis Eldeeb
- Cairo : Doaa Abdelaziz Shokry , 2015
- 76 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Operative Dentistry
Introduction: This study was carried out to evaluate the microshear bond strength of two types of high viscous glass-ionomer restorative materials (conventional and filler modified) bonded to normal and caries-affected dentin.Results: Two-way ANOVA revealed no statistical significant difference between the two glass-ionomer restorations values [(Fuji IX GP; High viscous glass-ionomer) and (ChemFil Rock; Filler modified glass-ionomer)] (P= 0.06), and dentin substrates (normal and caries-affected dentin) (P= 0.32), as well as the interaction between the variables (materials and dentin substrates) was not statistically significant (P= 0.08). There was no statistical significant difference among the mean microshear bond strength values of the Fuji IX GP and ChemFil Rock glass-ionomer restoration bonded to both substrates (P= 0.07). For specimens of the Fuji IX GP glass-ionomer restoration bonded to normal and caries-affected dentin, the fractured specimens were mostly adhesive failure at dentin followed by mixed failure (adhesive at dentin side/cohesive failure in glass-ionomer restoration). While in the ChemFil Rock glass-ionomer restoration bonded to normal and caries-affected dentin, the fractured specimens were mostly mixed failure (adhesive failure at dentin side/cohesive in the adhesive layer/cohesive in cement) Conclusion: Under the conditions of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1.Filler modified glass-ionomer did not surpass the conventional high viscous glass-ionomer with regarding to the bond strength to both normal and caries-affected dentin. 2. Difference in dentin substrates (normal and caries-affected dentin) did not influence the bond strength of any of the tested glass-ionomer cements