Intraoperative magnesium sulphate versus nitroglycerine infusion effect on pulmonary hypertension in congenital cardiac defects /
دراسة مقارنه بين تأثير عقاري كبريتات الماغنسيوم و النيتروجلسرين على ضغط الشريان الرئوي المرتفع في مرضى عيوب القلب الخلقيه
Hany Reda Mohamed Elgamal ; Supervised Azza Ezzat , Ikram Abdallah , Mai Madkour
- Cairo : Hany Reda Mohamed Elgamal , 2016
- 115 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
MgSO4 has been studied in PAH in neonates; however no relevant studies discussed its effect on PAH associated with congenital heart disease, as one of the challenges facing pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist due to its detrimental effect in arterial oxygenation and ventilator dependence. Methodology: We tested this hypothesis by infusing MgSO4 all through the corrective surgical procedure and measuring Pulmonary artery pressure, oxygenation index & alveolar arterial oxygen difference.Results: Magnesium sulphate infusion caused 10% reduction in mean PAP from 39±13 to 35 ± 9 mm.Hg. Oxygenation index improved being 2.9± 0.9 baseline, to become 2.7 ± 0.9 before CPB & 3.1 ± 1.4 after bypass which was statistically significant when compared to control group. Alveolar arterial oxygen difference readings were 271 ± 10.5 at baseline, 258 ± 15.3 before CPB, and 275 ± 17 after CPB & was statistically insignificant between both groups. There was statistically significant reduction in Heart rate before CPB but was not associated with hemodynamic instability.Conclusion: Magnesium sulphate is a drug that could produce a reduction in pulmonary artery pressure associated with improvement in oxygenation index & mild reduction in heart rate without occurrence of systemic hypotension
Congenital cardiac defects Magnesium sulphate versus Nitroglycerine infusion