Eptesam Atef Mohamad Elbegawy

Re-mineralizing effect of fluoride varnish versus tri-calcium phosphate on shear bond strength of nano-hybrid composite to dentin : An in vitro study / تأثير إعادة التمعدن على قوة الانزلاق الرابط للمركبات الراتينجية المملوءة بجزيئات النانو المستخدمة على العاج السنى بواسطة طلاء الفلورايد او ثلاثى فوسفات الكالسيوم : دراسة معملية Eptesam Atef Mohamad Elbegawy ; Supervised M. Adel Ezzat Khairy , Rasha Raafat Hassan - Cairo : Eptesam Atef Mohamad Elbegawy , 2015 - 80 P. : photographs ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Operative Dentistry

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of using two different remeniralizing agents prior to the use of adhesive system on shear bond strength of the nano-hybrid composite resin. A total of 84 extracted molar teeth used maximally two months after extraction. The exclusion criteria for selection of the samples were the teeth with caries, cracks, erosion, fluorosis or hypo calcification, and restorations. A flat dentin surface was prepared perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of each tooth using a low-speed Isomet diamond saw under water-cooling. Teeth were randomly divided into three main groups; each group had 28 tooth randomly selected. First group (A1) (control group) had no re-mineralizing agent. Second group demonstrated fluoride varnish (A2 group). The third group demonstrated tri-calcium phosphate varnish (A3 group). Acid etching applied to all groups, also self-etch adhesive system. A metal mold was used to build up composite resin buttons of 2mm thickness and 2mm in diameter, light cured for 40 sec to all groups according to the manufacturer instructions

Fluoride varnish Remineralization Tri-calcium phosphate varnish