Samah Ezz Hanas Awad

The mutagenic effects of laser radiation and insecticides in human blood lymphocytes : In vitro / دراسات معملية للتأثيرات المطفره لشعاع الليزر والمبيد الحشرى على كرات الدم البيضاء للإنسان Samah Ezz Hanas Awad ; Supervised Mona Abdelaziz Mohamed Abdelkeriem , Adel Moharam Elnozahy , Elhussein Nageeb Elkhatib - Cairo : Samah Ezz Hanas Awad , 2016 - 116 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences - Department of Laser Applications in Environmental Metrology Photocheimstry and Agriculture

Neonicotinoids represent the newest major class of insecticides; these insecticides are derivatives of nicotine. Acetamiprid is one of these derivatives. In the present work, the genotoxicity of acetamiprid was treated alone and combined with laser irradiations simulating solar radiations on human lymphocyte cultures .Also, we assess the mutagenic effect of three types of laser irradiations including ultra- violet, visible and infrared which simulate the same action or phenomena induced by sunlight in the open field using chromosomal aberrations (CAs) assay. Results revealed that acetamiprid (Mospilan 20% SP) did not induce any significant induction of CAs in human lymphocytes at all doses (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1000 ug/ml culture), in comparison to control group. Also results revealed that the individual exposure to UV-excimer laser 308 nm and vis. diode laser 650 nm showed a slight significant increase ( p<0.05) in CAs at high doses. In contrast, infrared diode laser808nm induced a highly significant increase in CAs (p<0.001) at all doses. The results of combined treatments between acetarmiprid and laser irradiations were different. Combined treatment of acetarmiprid and UV-excirner laser 308 nm irradiation indicated a slight significant increase (p< 0.05) in (CAs only at high dose . Combined treatment between acetamiprid and visible- diode laser 650 nm irradiation showed moderately significant increase in GAs only at high dose (p<0.0l). Combined treatment of acetamiprid and infrared diode laser 808nm irradiation induced highly significant increase (p<0.001) in the (CAs at all doses. In addition, combined exjiosure of UV-excimer laser 308 nm and vis.

Blood lymphocytes Laser radiation Mutagenic