Determination of eruption dates and sequence for primary and permanent teeth in a group of children in North Sinai governorate /
تحديد مواعيد تسلسل و بزوغ الاسنان اللبنيه و الدائمة لمجموعه من الاطفال فى محافظة شمال سيناء
Ahmed Magdy Moustafa ; Supervised Manal Ahmed Elsayed , Manal Ahmed Elsheikh
- Cairo : Ahmed Magdy Moustafa , 2016
- 79 P. : charts , facsimiles , photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Pedodontics
This study was conducted to evaluate evidence of radiographic failure in pulpotomized primary molars and to find the relation between clinical and radiographic evidence of failure in children less than six years old. Subjects and Methods: The study was carried out on one hundred and twenty five (125) previously pulpotomized primary molars that show evidence of radiographic failure.Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed. Clinical examination to detect clinical failure (Spontaneous pain,Swelling/Fistula ,Pathological tooth mobility).Radiographic examination included scoring the failed pulpotomized primary molars by radiographic failure score . Results: The results of this study showed statistical significant difference between type of examined primary molars,type of final restoration, time elapsed after treatment and radiographic failure score ,However in case of clinical failure ,type of final restoration and time elapsed after treatment showed statistical significance difference .There was statistical significance difference between clinical and radiographic evidence of failure. Conclusion: Radiographic and clinical examination is important to assess success or failure of treatment .Clinically successful primary molars failed radigraphically ,which shows that radiographic examination has an important role in evaluation of success or failure of treatment
Pulpotomy Radiographic evidence of failure Radiographic failure score