Wael Mohamed Sayed Ahmed

Using satellite remote sensing in monitoring the changes in land Use and surface and ground water storage in Egypt / إستخدام صور الأقمار الصناعية فى مراقبة التغيرات المكانية ومخزون المياة السطحية والجوفية بمصر Wael Mohamed Sayed Ahmed ; Supervised Adel H. Elshazly , Ashraf N. Sayed - Cairo : Wael Mohamed Sayed Ahmed , 2016 - 96 P. : charts , facsimiles, maps ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering

Remote sensing is a powerful tool that provides promising techniques for monitoring changes occurring on the earth at different times, due to its benefits of consistent and regular data acquisition. Three different remotely sensing datasets were used for monitoring the changes in land use and surface & ground water storage in Egypt. Landsat images as one of these datasets were used to detect land use land cover changes in the Suez Canal region, MODIAS and GLDAS data were the second datasets that used to detect evaporation on lake Nasser, and the third dataset was GRACE to detect change in groundwater in NSAS