Samar Osman Hamed Ahmed

Spectral digital mammography in follow up of breast cancer patients after the conservative surgery and its impact on management / دور الإشعة الرقمٍة للثدى بالصبغة فى متابعة مرٌيضات أورام الثدى بعذ الجراحة الجزئٍية و تأثيره على العلاج Samar Osman Hamed Ahmed ; Supervised Lamya Abdelsalah Eldin , Emad Salah Eldin Khallaf , Asmaa Mahmoud Abdelmagied - Cairo : Samar Osman Hamed Ahmed , 2016 - 137 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis

CEDM map the distribution of neo-vasculature induced by cancer using the intra- venous injection of an iodinate contrast agent in conjunction with digital mammography. Moreover, previous studies have shown a superiority of CEDM either for the assessment of the probability of malignancy or for BI-RADS assessment compared to mammography alone. In our study the potential clinical applications are, to assess the role of CEDM in evaluation and characterization of recurrent breast lesion in postoperative breast and its impact on management contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) that improves the sensitivity for breast cancer detection without decreasing specificity as it provides higher contrast and better lesion delineation than mammography alone. CESM is an imaging technique combining digital mammography with intravenous injection of iodinated contrast media to detect hyper vascularized lesions. Addition of iodinated contrast agent to mammography facilitates the visualization of breast lesions

CEDM Digital mammography Recurrent breast lesions