Hesham Mohamed Fakhry

Comparative study between ambu aura-I and air-q laryngeal masks in pediatric patients with difficult airway / المقارنة بين الأمبو أورا آى و الآيركيو فى الأطفال الذين يعانون من صعوبة بالممر الهوائى Hesham Mohamed Fakhry ; Supervised Maha Gamil Hanna , Sherry Nabil Nagib , Sherif Mohamed Abdelmoneim Soaida - Cairo : Hesham Mohamed Fakhry , 2016 - 108 , 14 Leaves : facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia

Supraglottic airway devices play important role in anesthesia. LMA is the first supraglottic device; cobra PLA is relatively a new airway device which is an excellent substitute to LMA with higher airway sealing pressure and better supraglottic orientation. Airq laryngeal mask was invented relatively longer time ago in comparison with the relatively newer ambu aura I laryngeal mask. The Air-Q ILA allows for straightforward passage of a cuffed tracheal tube when used as a conduit for tracheal intubation because of the following design differences. First, the airway tube of the ILA is wider, more rigid, and curved. Second, removal of the detachable 15-mm proximal connector effectually increases the internal diameter of the airway tube. Third, its shorter length allows for easier removal after successful tracheal intubation, these features facilitate the use of the ILA as a conduit for tracheal intubation and subsequent removal. The ambu aura-i is a relatively new supraglottic device that was invented by the ambu company,the ambu aura-i is pre-formed to follow the anatomy of the human airway, the soft rounded curve ensures fast and easy placement and guarantees long-term performance with minimal patient trauma. The ambu aura-i is the preferred everyday routine device for establishing an airway where an ET-tube is deemed unnecessary; at the same time it holds a place on the difficult airway cart

Air-q laryngeal mask Ambu aura i laryngeal masks Anaesthesia