Mostafa Sayed Mostafa Abdelhammed Elmisery

Modeling female employment and fertility as simultaneous processes in Egypt / نمذجة العلاقة بين عمل المرأة و خطر الإنجاب فى مصر باستخدام العمليات الآنية = Modeling female employment and fertility as simultaneous processes in Egypt Mostafa Sayed Mostafa Abdelhammed Elmisery ; Supervised Hussein Abdelaziz Sayed - Cairo : Mostafa Sayed Mostafa Abdelhammed Elmisery , 2016 - 99 Leaves ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Department of Statistics

Female employment is one of the important ways to study the differentials observed in fertility levels and patterns among couples within a given population. The aim of this study is to identify the interactive relation between female employment and their fertility behavior. In our study, we develop a framework to study the simultaneous relationship between the fertility outcome and female employment or non-employment. We adjust aassve et al (2006) model according to our suggested framework. We specify a simultaneous hazard regression model of three processes: birth events, and employment or non-employment events. In addition we allow for unobserved heterogeneity that is correlated across three processes. Employment or non-employment and fertility transitions are specified in separate equations, but estimated using a joint maximum likelihood procedure. This allows us to analyze the interaction of the transitions explicitly, controlling for the potential endogeneity of each transition with respect to the other. We estimate this model using data of the Egypt labor market panel survey of 2006 ELMPS06

Modeling female Simultaneous processes Statistics