Blood flow changes in ovarian and uterine arteries in women with normal and polycystic ovaries undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation-IVF/ICSI treatment /
التغيرات فى تدفق الدم فى الشرايين المبيضية و الرحمية فى نساء لديهن مبايض طبيعية و نساء لديهن تكيس بالمبايض و يخضعن لتنشيط المبايض المتحكم فيه-علاج بالحقن المجهرى
Faten Abdelaty Sayed ; Supervised Ashraf Abdelrahman Ramadan , Heba Ali Elsawah , Mohamed Abdelfattah Mahmoud
- Cairo : Faten Abdelaty Sayed , 2016
- 45 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Standard controlled ovarian stimulation protocol was employed consisting of a combination of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH (analogue at suppression, ovarian stimulation initiated. Follicular growth and maturation were assessed by transvaginal sonography, it was done at the pre follicular day and day of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injection. IVF and ICSI were performed by standard methods. A careful ovarian stimulation strategy was designed for both groups in order to prevent OHSS and to achieve comparable ovarian response between the two groups. Blood flow changes in the uterine and ovarian arteries were examined as well as resistance index and pulsatility index