Total versus subtotal hysterectomy in benign gynaecological conditions /
الاستئصال الكلى والجزئى للرحم فى حالات امراض النساء الحميدة
Hazem Sayed Shaaban ; supervised Mohga Mohammad Amin Hammad , Reda Ismail Riad , Adel Farouk Ibrahim
- Cairo : Hazem Sayed Shaaban , 2005
- 142P : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Whether the reduced tissue handling has beneficial effects on bladder , bowel or sexual function is unknownDonnez and Nisolle (1995) have suggested that the technique of laparoscopic assisted subtotal hysterectomy (LASH) may reduce the risk of ureteric , bladder and urethral injury associated with laparoscopic total hysterectomy while reducing the operating timeSubtotal hysterectomy turn out to be advantageous over total hysterectomyMoreover , the optimal procedure may well turn out to be a LASH (Donnez et al , 1995b) Although , laparoscopic hysterectomy achieved results are inferior to abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy with no less morbidity up till now (Rock and Jones , 2003)
Benign gynaecological conditions Subtotal hysterectomy Total versus