Sanaria Essam Ali

Improving the measurement of the financial performance in the Egyptian government sector : An intergenerational equity perspective / Sanaria Essam Ali ; Supervised Hassan Ouda - Cairo : Sanaria Essam Ali , 2014 - 134 Leaves ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - German University - Faculty of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research - Department of Management

The transition to accrual accounting has been the most notable reform of goverament accounting in the last two decades for many countries. New zealand was the first country to adopt accrual accounting in the govermment sector as well as other countries such australia, Canada and the united kingdom. Howerver, govermment sector accrual accounting remains a very challenging under research topic. It is imprtant to state that due to the lack of studies that give sufficient guidelines to measuring short term fiscal sustainability in the govermment of Egypt GOF

Improving the measurement The Egyptian government sector The financial performance