Relation of certain blood picture parameters and vascular endothelial growth factor to clinical manifestations and disease activity in Behçets disease patients /
علاقة مؤشرات محددة بصورة الدم و عامل نمو بطانة الأوعية الدموية بالمظاهر الإكلينيكية و النشاط المرضى فى مرضى بهجت
Randa Elhoseiny Rabea ; Supervised Tamer Mohamed Atef Gheita , Samah Mohamed Abdelhamid , Basma Ramadan Sakr
- Cairo : Randa Elhoseiny Rabea , 2017
- 130 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
Ninety six BD patients (mean age: 34.9±10.1 years, male:female 4.7:1) and 60 matched controls were enrolled in this study. The MPV, NLR, RDW and serum VEGF level were measured. Disease activity was assessed by the BD Current Activity Form (BDCAF). The influence of an associated metabolic syndrome (MetS) was also considered.Results: The RDW and NLR were significantly higher in patients (15.5±2% and 2.7±2.9) than controls (14.3±1% and 1.5±0.8)(p<0.001), while the MPV and VEGF were comparable. The MPV was decreased in patients with vascular involvement (p=0.04) and increased in those with psychiatric disorders (p=0.02). The RDW was significantly higher in patients with vascular involvement (p=0.04) especially those with venous thrombosis and in those with neurological manifestations (p=0.03). The NLR was higher in males (p=0.01) and in those with retinal vasculitis (p=0.03) and vein occlusion (p=0.02). None of the parameters significantly correlated with the BDCAF. However, the NLR was the most valuable parameter to predict disease activity. The MPV significantly correlated with the body mass index (BMI) (p=0.008), cholesterol (p=0.01) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) (p<0.001); the RDW correlated with the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (p=0.003) and total leucocytic count (TLC) (p=0.04); the NLR with TLC (p=0.001) and blood urea (p=0.001) and VEGF with the TLC (p=0.048) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) (p=0.02). MetS was present in 13.7% of patients and none of the parameters was significantly different according to the presence of MetS
Behçet's disease Mean platelet volume Red cell distribution width