Lymphocyte mosiacisim in fanconi anemia : Diagnosis and clinical correlation /
تباين الخلايا الليمفاويه فى مرض أنيميا الفانكونى : التشخيص و علاقته بالأعراض الإكلينيكية
Lobna Assem Omar ; Supervised Hoda Mohamed Abdelghany , Ilham Youssry Ibrahim , Rania Mohamed Sami
- Cairo : Lobna Assem Omar , 2016
- 163 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology
Regarding chromosomal breakage test for the Fanconi group at 300nM Mitomycin C, the mean chromosomal breakage per cell was 4.67±1.58, the mean chromosomal breakage per aberrant cell was 5.6±1.1 and the mean chromosomal fragility index was 466.7±157 that significantly differed from non fanconi group (P=0.000). Fanconi anemia patients were further divided into: Classic Fanconi (CFA): no undamaged cells were left and most cells were in the category of 2 10 breaks/cell3 and Fanconi with mosaicism (FA-Mo): two cell populations were distinguished at 300nM MMC, one behaving like typical FA cells, that was showing 10 breaks/cell, and one behaving like healthy controls, that was largely represented by the categories 0 ,1 and 2 breaks/cell
Clinical and Chemical Pathology Fanconi anemia Lymphocyte mosiacisim