Generation of transgene-free induced pluripotent stem cells from cardiac fibroblasts of goat embryos /
إنتاج خلايا جذعية محفزة خالية من التحوير من الخلايا الليفية المأخوذة من أنسجة عضلة قلب أجنة الماعز
Mira Barsoum Nashid Barsoum Hanna ; Supervised Moshira Rateb , Konrad Brockmeier , Hala Gabr
- Cairo : Mira Barsoum Nashid Barsoum Hanna , 2017
- 221 P. : charts , facsimiles , photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Physiology
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) generation hold a great potential for therapeutic regenerative medicine. Since its production by takahashi and yamanaka 2006, the researchers are trying to find the best method to reprogram the adult somatic cells to be suitable for transplantation. A lot of promises have been settled in the field of chronic life threatening worldwide diseases such as cardiac diseases and diabetes. The aim of this study was to generate induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from goat embryonic cardiac tissue derived fibroblasts. The iPS cells, generated in the frame of this approach were produced without the use of integrating virus and reprogramming transgenes were removed at the end of the process. Transgene-free iPS cells were in vitro assayed for pluripotency. It can be thus concluded that we succeeded to isolate cardiac fibroblasts from cardiac tissue of goat embryos that were alfa smooth muscle actin, vimentin and discoidin doman receptor2 positive. From these cells, we generated transgene free iPSCs using piggyBac transposons / transposase using five transcription factors (Oct4, Sox2, KLF, Myc and Lin 28). They were SSEA1, SSEA4 and Oct4 positive. They were cultured on neofeeders using 20% Serum replacement-IMDM with bFGF. They could form cystic and compact embryoid bodies that showed differentiated ectodermal and mesodermal like cells when cultured using 20% FBS-IMDM without bFGF