Detection of Rh isoimmuinzation fetal anemia, the need for ultrasound guided intrauterine fetal blood transfusion and its effect on neonatal outcome /
الكشف عن فقر دم الجنين بسبب التمنيع رهاءى اسوى و الاحتياج للموجات فوق الصوتيه الموجهه لنقل الدم للجنين داخل الرحم و التاثير على الاطفال حديثى الولاده
Shaimaa Mohamed Abdelshafi Eltayeb Elithy ; Supervised Mohamed Hassan Mostafa , Ahmed Zakaria Elsheikhah , Ahmed Nehad Hatem Askalani
- Cairo : Shaimaa Mohamed Abdelshafi Eltayeb Elithy , 2017
- 136 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Recently, study suggested that measuring the fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (MCA-PSV) could be used in the clinical management of isoimmunized pregnancies to identify the anemic fetus for timely intervention either through early delivery or intrauterine blood transfusion (Mari et al., 2000). The complications of Rh sensitization including fetal / neonatal hemolytic disease leading to neonatal jaundice in the mild cases, kernicterus and cerebral palsy, neonatal death, need for exchange transfusions, hydrops fetalis and finally intrauterine death in the severe cases. Prognosis in subsequent pregnancy is considered worse as fetal anemia sets in 8-10 weeks earlier than in previous pregnancy (Hajdu et al., 2003). Intrauterine blood transfusion of anemic fetuses represents one ofthe great successes of fetal therapy. The first approach was intraperitoneal blood
Neonatal outcome Rh isoimmuinzation fetal anemia The need for ultrasound guided intrauterine fetal blood transfusion