Wessam Mahmoud Elshafey

Underground gasification of Egyptian coals as an approach to participate to solve energy deficit / تغويز الفحم المصرى فى باطن الأرض كحل للمساهمة فى أزمه نقص الطاقة Wessam Mahmoud Elshafey ; Supervised Hassan Fahmy Imam , Yehia Saad Eldin Mohamed - Cairo : Wessam Mahmoud Elshafey , 2017 - 66 P. : facsimiles , photographs ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Metallurgical Engineering

Climate change and new environmental policies are very important topics in the 21st century. The energy crisis is the concern that the worlds demands on the limited natural resources that are used to power industrial society as a result human beings are more and more interested in clean coal technologies. Gasifying Maghara coal underground is a promising way of using un-mineable coal with zero emission by linking the UCG process with carbon capture and sequestration. There are lots of projects about this topic now and in future it will become an even more important technology. Electricity demand is increasing at about 7% annually and is expected to continue to grow at this rate for the foreseeable future. Egypts peak electricity demand reached 21,330 MW. The economics of UCG appear extremely promising. The capital expenses of UCG plants appear to be substantially less than the equivalent plant fed by surface gasifiers because purchase of a gasifiers is not required. Similarly, operating expenses are likely to be much lower because of the lack of coal mining, coal transportation, and significantly reduced ash management facilities. Even for configurations requiring a substantial environmental monitoring program and additional swing facilities, UCG plants retain many economic advantages

Energy deficit Gasification Underground