Abdelmagied Abdelhak Abdelmagied Abdelaal Diab

Electromagnetic eects on Quark-Gluon Plasma / التأثيرات الكهرومغناطيسيه في كوارك غلوون بلازما Abdelmagied Abdelhak Abdelmagied Abdelaal Diab ; Supervised Mohamed Tarek Hussien , Abdel Nasser Mahmoud Tawk - Cairo : Abdelmagied Abdelhak Abdelmagied Abdelaal Diab , 2017 - 153 , (39) P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Physics

SU(3) Polyakov linear sigma model (PLSM) is analysed for wide range of temperatures and magnetic eld strengths, in characterizing the quark-hadron phase structure, determining the thermodynamic observables, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, permeability and catalysis. The inuence of the magnetic eld on the QCD phase diagram and their interrela- tions are also presented. In addition, we also introduce possible modications on the chiral structure (mass spectrum) of various mesonic states. By using Green-Kubo correlation and Boltzmann master equation, we have estimated the temperature dependence of bulk and shear viscosity. Last but not least, we estimate the linear response to nite electrical eld, the electrical and heat conductivity. The excellent agreement of our PLSM calculations with the recent lattice QCD simulations means that the PLSM describes well the phase structure of conned hadrons to deconned quark-gluon plasma

Chiral transition Magnetic elds Magnetic catalysis