Standardization of gross motor development in Egyptian children /
معايرة النمو الحركى فى الأطفال المصريين
Walaa Mahfouz Ali Bahr ; Supervised Faten Hassan Abdelazeim
- Cairo : Walaa Mahfouz Ali Bahr , 2017
- 168 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Growth and Development Disorders in Pediatrics
Background: Peabody developmental motor scale is one of the most commonly used scales for assessment of motor developmental domain in preschool children. Objectives: to establish norms for the Egyptian children in gross motor developmental skills based on PDMS-2 through cross-sectional study design and comparing the results with the normative sample given in the PDMS-2 manual to find a method of evaluation that might be suitable for Egyptian children. Methods: 1584 of normal healthy Egyptian children, ranged in age from two to six years old participated in this study and collected from kinder gardens and nurseries of greater Cairo area to represent Egypt. The participants divided into eight groups according to their chronological age after screening by Portage Scale and the evaluation was applied once monthly to each group using PDMS-2 for six successive months in gross motor area of development in longitudinal pattern. Results: The present study revealed statistical significant difference for measured subtest items of gross motor development for tested Egyptian children when compared to the normative data of PDMS-2 using Z-scores. Conclusion: The results of the present study revealed a significant difference between the Egyptian and the normative PDMS-2 sample in the eight groups and also between boys and girls. This reflects the importance to have norms for the Egyptian children development to be used in a standardized scale for the gross motor development in the Egyptian children
Egyptian children Gross motor development Portage scale