Magda Saleh Rezk

Intravenous versus caudal magnesium sulfate as an adjuvant to caudal bupivacaine in lower abdominal surgeries in paediatrics under general anaesthesia / مقارنة استخدام كبريتات المغنيسيوم بالوريد مقابل استخدامه بالمساحة الذيلية كمكمل علاجى للبيوبفيكن فى التخديرفوق الجافية الذيلية فى العمليات الجراحية أسفل البطن فى الأطفال تحت التخدير العام Magda Saleh Rezk ; Supervised Manal Mohamed Elgohary , Amina AboulEla , Heba mohamad Nassar - Cairo : Magda Saleh Rezk , 2017 - 97 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia

Postoperative pain in children is difficult to assess and is associated with strong emotional component. Caudal epidural anaesthesia is a common technique providing intra and postoperative analgesia in paediatric infraumbilical surgical procedures but with the disadvantage of short duration of action after single injection. It has become a common practice to use multimodal approaches for management of intra and postoperative pain, because no drug has yet been identified that specifically inhibits nociception without associated side effects. Research continues concerning different techniques and drugs that could provide better surgical anesthesia and postoperative pain relief

Bupivacaine Caudal magnesium General anaesthesia