Studies on photobiostimulation of soft and hard tissues healing /
دراسات حول التحفيزالضوئى لإلتئام الأنسجة الرخوة و الصلبة
Hosam Eldin Mostafa Mohamed ; Supervised Hany Mohamed Gohar , Inas Nabil Elhusseiny
- Cairo : Hosam Eldin Mostafa Mohamed , 2017
- 157 P. : facsimiles , photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Surgery, Anesthesiology - Radiology
This study was divided into two studies; Experimental animal study carried out on 135 rats and clinical study carried out on 20 dog of different breed, sex, age, and fresh wound site. The experimental study rats were subdivided into soft tissue part (60 rat)and hard tissue part (75). Sixty rats were subjected to circular skin excision and divided into four groups each group contains fifteen rats. Control group was left without any treatment while the Red laser 650nm group, Infrared laser 906nm group, Red LED group was treated by 4-5 J/Cm2 on daily basis for 7 sessions. A representing 5 Rats of each group were euthanized at days 3,7,15 post-wounding. Results showed that Red laser was the best tool for soft tissue healing promotion followed by LED. In the hard tissue part, experimental tibial osteotomies fixed with intramedullary pins was biomodulated either by IR laser or red laser. Seventy five rats subjected to tibial diaphysial osteotomies and fixed by intramedullary pins. Rats were divided into 3 groups of twenty five rats each; control group was left without any laser exposure, Infrared laser group treated by infrared laser 1064nm, Red laser group treated by Red laser 650nm. The dose was adjusted to 10 J/Cm2 on daily basis for one week. All animals were evaluated by x-ray on weekly basis for one month. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) was effective for the stimulation of bone healing. Clinical fresh skin wounds of 20 dogs of different sex breed, age and site of the wound divided into 4 groups 5 each. The control group, was left without light source treatment. The other groups, were treated by red laser 650nm, red LED 630nm and green laser 532nm. Each dog received 5 J/Cm2. Red laser 650nm, red LED 630nm , and geen laser 532nm showed promising results