Study on sources and effect of microbial contamination on stability of certain non-sterile preserved oral pharmaceutical products /
دراسة عن مصادر و تأثير الملوثات الميكروبية على ثبات بعض المستحضرات الصيدلية الغير عقيمة المحفوظة و المستخدمة عن طريق الفم
Lobna Aref Abdelrazak Bahnsi Deif ; Supervised Alaa Eldin Mahmoud Shawky Hosny , Rania Abdelmonem Mostafa Khattab
- Cairo : Lobna Aref Abdelrazak Bahnsi Deif , 2017
- 66 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Microbiology and Immunology
In this study, two types of preserved syrup with different preservative were chosen to study types, sources of contaminants including environmental condition as air, raw materials and water. From 400 different samples of finished product, 3 bacterial and 39 fungal isolates had been isolated. However, the following microbes isolated: 64 fungal isolates in addition to 188 bacterial isolates were isolated from air samples.Only four bacterial isolates were isolated from sucrose. However, microbiological analysis of other raw material did not result in any bacterial or fungal isolates. Finally, only three bacterial isolates were isolated from water included in formulation of finished product. Aspergillusflavuswasthemostcommonfungusisolatedamong 31and25fungalisolates fromair andfinished syrupsamplesrespectively. The genetic relationship between numberof isolated Asp. flavus (20randomsamples) using RAPD PCR technique was studiedandillustratedin form of dendrogram. Obtaineddendrogramshowedthattherewasgeneticrelatednessbetweenfungiisolatedfromairandfungiisolatedfromfinishedproductwith72%to32%
Certain non-sterile preserved oral Microbial contamination Pharmaceutical products