A study of the translation of extended metaphors in four Arabic versions of Hamlet /
دراسة لترجمة الاستعارة الممتدة إلى العربية فى مسرحية هاملت - أربع ترجمات حديثة
Salma Magdy Salah Seiam ; Supervised M. M. Enani , Heba Aaref
- Cairo : Salma Magdy Salah Seiam , 2017
- 106 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.A.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Arts - Department of English
Metaphors are common in all forms of language and ubiquitous even in everyday language. Different definitions and various theories of metaphor have been developed in both English and Arabic language but very few theorists have tackled the issue of translating metaphor. Shakespeares plays are rich in metaphors in general and extended metaphors in particular. Hamlet provides researchers with an opportunity to investigate extended metaphor and reflect how it serves to project the comparison in the readers mind. Translating extended metaphors is not a matter of one-to-one equivalence but to produce the same function and literary effect. Thus the functional approach is adopted to challenge the notion of equivalence and examine text organization at or above sentence level. The functional approach by Christine Nord is one of the current trends of translation quality assessment. She puts her model of translation-oriented text analysis (1991) in a series of wh-questions based on the so-called new rhetoric formula. This thesis undertakes an analysis of the translation of extended metaphors in four Arabic versions of Hamlet Abdulqadir Alkott (1971), Muhammed Awad Muhammed (1972), Muhammed Muhammed Enani (2004), and Gamal Abdul-Maksoud (2006). To carry out the analysis, Nords model of translation-oriented text analysis (1991) has been employed to analyze the communicative background of the play (analysis of extratexual factors of the source text) and the communicative background of the four translations analysis of the intratextual factors of the target text