Numerical investigation of indoor air quality and thermal comfort inside the saint Mary Church (Hanged Church) /
دراسه عدديه لجودة الهواء الداخلى والراحه الحراريه داخل كنيسة القديسة العذراء مريم - الكنيسة المعلقة
Abanoub Elias Fouad Samouel ; Supervised Essam E. Khalil , Waleed Abdelsamee Maarouf , Ismail M. Ali Elbialy
- Cairo : Abanoub Elias Fouad Samouel , 2017
- 151 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Mechanical Power Engineering
The HVAC applications in churches are considered as one of the important applications with wide variety of heat load, water vapor, and carbon dioxide sources because of high occupancy load of prayers, heat dissipation of electrical equipments in the church and other heat sources such as bowls, incense and candles. So, the present thesis is devoted to numerically investigate indoor air quality and thermal comfort inside the Saint Mary Church (Hanged Church) Focusing on air flow patterns, thermal behavior and carbon dioxide dispersion in the hanged church prayer hall
Indoor Air Quality Numerical Investigation Thermal Comfort