Ibraheem Abdelbaki Abdelalateef Elsayed

Estimating maturity parameters for some promising sugar cane varieties under different levels of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer in Middle Egypt / تقدير معايير النضج لبعض اصناف القصب المبشرة تحت مستويات مختلفة من السماد الأزوتى والبوتاسى فى مصر الوسطي Ibraheem Abdelbaki Abdelalateef Elsayed ; Supervised Elsayed Ibrahim Gaber , Ibrahem Hanafy Elgeddawy , Lalia Mohamed Saif - Cairo : Ibraheem Abdelbaki Abdelalateef Elsayed , 2017 - 114 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Institute of African Research and Studies - Department of Natural Resources

A field experiment was carried out at Malawy Agricultural Research Station, El-Menia governorate (ARC) in the two successive seasons of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 to study the performance of three sugar cane varieties as affected by nitrogen and potassium fertilizations.Each field trail included twenty seven treatments represent the combinations among three sugarcane varieties (1- G.T.54-9,2- G.99-103 and G. 2001-79), three nitrogen levels (220, 280 and 340 kg N/fed) and three levels of potassium (24 , 48 and 72 kg k₂O / fed).A split-split plot design with three replications was used in both seasons.Results obtained showed that the promising sugar cane variety G.2001-79 mostly recorded the highest significant values of sugar recovery at the different growth stages of the two growing seasons. The collected data pointed out that the nitrogen levels i.e. 220 and 280 kg N/fed over passed the high level of nitrogen (340 kg N/fed) in respect to sugar recovery percentage for the various growth periods. Except age of 240 days in both seasons, the effect of potassium rates on sugar recovery in the other growth periods was significance. Both of 48 and 72 kg K₂O/fed surpassed 24 kg K₂O/fed on sugar recovery. The difference between 48 and 72 kg K₂O /fed was insignificant in most of growth periods. Increasing the nitrogen rate from 220 to 280 up to 340 resulted in a significant increment in cane yield amounted by 4.14 % and 12.64 % in the 1st season and 11.4 % and 14.35 % in the 2nd season, respectively. Sugar cane variety G.99-103 significantly over passed the other two varieties in cane yield /fed. Sugar cane variety G.99-103 attained additional increase over the commercial one (G.T.54-9) amounted by 5.11 and 4.88 tons in the 1st and 2nd season, respectively

Maturity Promising varieties Sugar cane