Oncologic outcome toneoadjuvantchemoradiation for rectal cancer after surgery for patients with complete response /
نتائج مابعد العلاج الكيميائي والإشعاعي قبل الجراحة: والاستئصال الجراحي لسرطان المستقيم بعد الاستجابة الكاملة للعلاج الكيميائي والإشعاعي
Mina Saad Ebrahim ; Supervised Samey Ramzy Shehata , Hesham Abdelkader Elhossieny , Ahmed Abdellatif Mohammed
- Cairo : Mina Saad Ebrahim , 2017
- 108 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department of oncology (surgical)
Background: Sphincter-sparing approaches for lower rectal adenocarcinomas have evolved as preoperative (neoadjuvant) radiotherapy (RT) and chemoradiotherapy have been utilized to promote tumor regression in an attempt to convert a planned APR to a sphincter-sparing surgical procedure. Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of neoadjuvant treatment Methods: this study included patients with low rectal cancer who received neoadjuvantchemoradiation followed by restaging clinically and radiologically. then surgery. Post operative pathology was compared with the outcome of neoadjuvantchemoradiation as shown by radiology before surgery. Results : there is significant relation between post operative pathology and preoperative re-staging methods after neoadjuvant therapy
Low rectal cancer Neoadjuvant chemoradiation Restaging after neoadjuvant